Several years ago we began training a young boy who was in 3rd grade and suffering from seizures. His name is Alex Norman and last year he tested for his Junior Black Belt! His Mom, Cheryl, wanted to share with everyone how far Alex has come and wrote the following story. Congratulations Alex, and thanks for sharing, Cheryl!
We want everyone to know how far Alex has come while at PMA. Several years ago at the age of 7, Alex was using a walker and was close to using a wheelchair. He had to have physical therapy with occupational therapy due to damage from extensive seizures. His balance was off, he was slow to do any task, he was weak, and uncoordinated. Even with all of his issues we decided to put him into karate anyway and chose PMA.
Alex and his Dad at a Star Wars Movie Night at PMA.
This was the best choice we have made for him to date. Not only putting him in karate, but choosing PMA. Alex had just begun his third grade year in elementary school, but had missed his whole second half of the second grade in which he was homebound. The year he started karate he had been in and out of hospitals for 13 months and had been in 4 different hospitals, three across the state and the fourth was The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. We watched as Alex’s seizures continued and we were worried about a normal life for him. He missed alot of his karate classes at first due to the seizures and hospitalizations, but we continued with them and strived for him to be as normal as possible.
Alex playing a game of Flag Grab at PMA.
Alex loved karate, PMA, the instructors (his favorite at the time was Sempai Madelyn), and his new friends in his karate class. This also gave him something to look forward to twice a week. His balance was the first to improve and his memory was getting better with the repetition of the forms. We also knew that the exercises would be great for his strengthening and endurance.
Alex and some of his friends and training partners at PMA.
Over the years we have watched as his forms and techniques have gotten better, faster, coordinated, and he became stronger. A large part of his recovery is due to his training at PMA and his doctors are amazed! The instructors knew his limitations and when to push him. Alex has always been treated as equally as the other children with no discrimination. It now has been almost 7 ½ years since Alex’s last seizure, he has not been on any seizure medication for over a year and a half, and is definitely a normal teenager. His memory and speed are still slow at times in class, but he can catch up quickly.
Alex taking his Junior Black Belt last year.
At this time Alex is now in the Adult Class and has just earned his Junior Black Belt. This is such a great accomplishment for anyone, especially for Alex, knowing where he started out. PMA teaches the students to be humble, but as a parent of a former special needs child I will boast of our pride! We are proud of Alex’s determination, thank God for his resilience and healing, and thank PMA for their help in this process. Remembering where he was, what he went through, and where he is now is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you, PMA!
Alex performing one of his Forms.
Alex and his instructor, SiFu David, after receiving his Junior Black Belt.